Special electronic components give you more freedom in the machine design
Does your company tailor and sell flexible solutions for automating productions?
Solutions where standard components from sub-suppliers' product catalogs cannot always be used. Then contact us, we develop the electronic components you can't buy elsewhere.
Move Innovation develops and produces digital and electronic special components and (I)IoT accessories for tool makers and automation houses.
For many years, we have acted as a subcontractor for various tool makers and automation houses. It has turned into many different tasks. Below you can see a sample of the tasks we have solved and the components we have developed.
- Measurement of wear on rubber and steel.
- Monitoring of the cooling process in plastic moulding
- Regulation and control of induction-based heating units
- Control of measurement data quality used for management
- Digital models that can be used for service forecasts
- Devices that supplement PLCs
- Sensor solutions
- Verification of data quality
- Special solutions for control, monitoring and management of specific processes
- Production and packaging of special editions in small quantities, for use in
- Global solutions that are installed in factories all over the world
- Service and support of the solutions